National Blue Agenda Actions Partnership

In November 2022, on the margins of the G20 Summit in Bali, the Government of Indonesia, the UN in Indonesia and development partners launched the National Blue Agenda Actions Partnership (NBAAP) as the coordination platform for blue agenda development in Indonesia. The partnership focuses on four key areas: blue health, blue food, blue innovation, and blue finance strategies.

The Partnership aims to assist in the acceleration of progress to achieve the GoI’s development targets on Blue Agenda at the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024. This includes strengthening synergy and coordination of the implementation of government programs with relevant stakeholders and supporting global agendas such as the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, the UN of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


Blue Health

49 Programs

Marine conservation, biodiversity, restoration, ecosystem management, coastal spatial planning, etc.

Blue Food

89 Programs

Fisheries production and consumption, aquaculture, supply chain, sustainability, competitiveness, etc. 

Blue Innovation

27 Programs

Science and technology, human development, capacity building, livelihood, etc. 

Blue Finance

20 Programs

Creative financing, blue start-up, payment for the ecosystem of the blue economy, etc.

The NBAAP comprises four key pillars, namely:

Through the implementation of these pillars, Indonesia aims to play a leading role in addressing global challenges related to oceans and sustainability while fostering partnerships to achieve these ambitious goals.

Overview Program Mapping

The Existing Programs in Government of Indonesia, Development Partners, and UN Agencies

NBAAP Activities Gallery